Pada satu hari yang bosan, ketika aku sedang nak layan blog kat ofis...tiba tiba keluar mende ni

Maka bermulalah pencarian kaedah kaedah berkesan menangani company restriction policy ni. Pelbagai cara aku gunakan termasuklah 'tunneling' seperti yg di ajar oleh zul, walaupon cara ini berjaya mengatasi restriction ini, namun ianya hanyalah bersifat sementara cuma dapat bertahan 1 hari jek...esok sepam lagi kene block, cara tunneling pon dah tak boleh pakai...
Banyak website lain pon tak boleh bukak disebabkan internet policy ni, lalu aku pn jadik hangin dan lantas aku men google "how to avoid internet restriction policy"macam macam cara, pakai free proxy la hapa la ....dalam banyak banyak info yang aku googlekan tuh...aku tertarik pada satu cara iaitu dengan menggunakan 'google translate'... ye....cara ni memang betul boleh avoid restriction, tapi ada skit masalah...hehehe
berikut adalah salah satu dari posting yang dibukak dengan google translate dari opis aku.... sile baca samapai abis....lalalala
pencurik+peragut....ko memang cheee bhaai pencurik + snatchers .... ko is cheee bhaai
Above the earth some of the people if we find, compulsory diterajang, beaten, broken bones and belulang they finally made after all the actions mentioned above, it must be concluded with style style xpac or Stone Cold Steve Austin in front of face belasahan just victims..... Make sure the style ni made, right before the face of man is right ....
However dalam lot of people who should diterajang, there is one kind of human right and cibai lahanat should be beaten up to almost a comma, and if disabled can continue ...
ie PENCURIK + snatchers ...
Recently ni moto FZ 150 younger I ilang .... babih btul pencurik ni, motto adopted new cash to buy 3 months .... Lock front back pon he can rembat ilang ..... last week, could call the police command cam motto, because I was hangin with the loss pon tu moto, I pon pegi cam follow the motto ... pencurik motto is fakap tu, dah la tibai motto, he was pegi snatch people pulak tu ....
By the word police, pencurik + snatchers tu skrg dok in lock-up, can arrest time was noon keje .... sorang taxi driver saw, violate two two tails .... once past tercampak, kene tibai with people ... very kene tibai hope he lives up to the end of life ....
When you check tu moto, konfem motto is that I am younger ilang .... but there are some features and misbegotten folly which I can detect the pencurik + snatchers tu Kosambi make recognition of the motto ..
- Used false number plate change only one number .... je mules, if I find the motto Tu, konfem I know .... dah tentunye and I continue to violate lenyek diorang
- Nak pegi pegi claimed the motto adopted FZ ni, what ebahalol k laaa, not speed moto ni pon, pon takdek pickup .... stupid, next time wear skirt la moto speed ...
- Radius from the place where the motto ilang snatch is not much, this is stupid pencurik probability for the co ... mamposs caught is very high .... patutnye moto ni dah reason to Perlis ilang week, but there kat area tu jugak ... was torn if I find mishaps.
To assist the police in addressing problems and snatch curik moto ni, here I have a few things that we can share together.
- when we saw two men being monolak motto, walaupon they wear helmet, we do not consider time, the motto is their motto, and they reject it because damaged .... they are new rembat tu moto, and are moving to a remote skirt takdek people before they ripped right to the wire on tu moto.
- When we see a man sitting there while the motto 'menggodek' motto of the key holes, as Malaysian, we certainly think he will, just unlock the motto is working ... Beware! itu belum tentu moto kepunyaan manusia itu... is not necessarily belong to man is the motto ... might try being 'raped' keyhole to open it ...
If encounters with the state ni, mobile phone and follow the policy only where this man go, if we have a body more muscular and tough security conditions allow yourself, go head and head shaja tibai pencurik motto is ..... aloud "PENCURIK" tooth and strong heart ... insyaalah many that will help not only wrong .... dah la ...
- To face the situation ... When we snatchers are seen, the incident occurred snatch front our eyes and we are driving a car, lah snatchers violate the tooth strong hearts .... if he fell on the road, please lenyek hands or their feet so that they can not escape .... if we konfiden, help out with the steering lock and the butcher only snatchers where only part of the body snatchers which is, just make sure he can not die ..... if patahkan once Kerat four bones. However pon the recommendation is not appropriate for girls gadis ayu do.
- Spitting lah face snatchers who were arrested that ludah tu ... more green, more encouraged .... lastly do not forget to use the style of X Pac Stone Cold or the snatchers + pencurik already lunyai dibantai that ... please refer to the diagram provided examples
13 reactions:
Dani said ...
ha ha. ha ha.
1,2,3 kid is after make-over so x-pac. buduss giler.
I prefer the style dowh Undertaker last ride ... dah nama pun curi motor ... kene la sikit similar bunyinye ..
"meh sini kau sial snatchers ..."
"bang sorry, sorry"
"ooo ... bastard, stealing motor ye ... meh I am here for you last ride before you to Partition ...!!!!"
dialogue if I dah standby ... hahahaha
faiz said ...
ahahahahah .. I rather emo post ..
motor camner brother ko?
there are way more haraoan for it?
.. Triple H said ...
if I must I use Pedigree Triple H, he confirmed broken nose ...
Moreover style X Pac tu dah smile Triple H jeee wearing, so ... indeed be muahahahahahaaaaa laaa ...
aku dah try Pedigree a thief, is very effective!
apis said ...
zul ...
last ride was bole gak tp if Fais (lalala) I jadik pencurik tu, like broken bones dorsal ko ...
mok ...
moto bole road again ... dented fuel tank lock .... dah kene tak bole pakai rape ... bole kan claim if correct ...
triple H Triple H
pedigree pon cruel .... jadik can jugak included as many favorite finishing moves ...
Dani said ...
ala, kalau saiz macam faiz aku buat sikuan sukaramai (people's elbow) cukup la. style, size, if I do like faiz sikuan Sukaramai (people's elbow) enough la. ha ha ha ha
tapi mat rempit/peragut kebanyakkanya kurus kering dowh mcm mat pit...kecuali dalam filem la. but mat rempit / snatchers kebanyakkanya emaciated dowh mcm mat pit la ... except in the film.
Udin said ...
if in the film, mat rempit actor white, clean face ...
but in reality, JE smooth leather skirt from lizard skin.
hmmm but quite satisfied la ati pasal bandits succeeded in relish by the public
Things to ponder:
- Ye...'google translate' memang bole buat guna untuk bukak blog kalau ada restriction policy, tapi awas setting defaultnye ialah malay to english
- translationnya adalah secara direct translation
- urat perut dan urat sekitar leher boleh putus kalau kita baca hasil google translate ni
- apa benda alah Kosambi tu (para 3)
- apesal siyal google translate jadik Dani???